Sunday, June 22, 2008

wine country

after the vegas trip, we picked up my sister in oakland and headed to my parents timeshare in napa. i'm not a huge fan of wine, but i'm trying. we went for a tour/wine tasting in a castle!!
i learned how wine is made... but i've forgotten already. at least i have a picture of the machines they use to make it...
the castle had endless hallways stacked with wine barrels...
and they even had a torture chamber. hmmm, i wonder what this was used for...hint... it went up your ass. ouch.
really old wine bottles.
a giant awesome roomwith suits of armor and cool art.
yay for castles.

on sunday we went to santa rosa for the harmony festival. i had a blast.
here's the happy fam...everyone there was super chill and it was a totally environmentally conscious event, everyone was cleaning up after everyone else. this dude was dressed entirely in plastic bags...we saw the jerry garcia band, jefferson starship, and what i'm happy to say is my new favorite band, arrested development.

and i'll leave you with this... when my sister was in charge of the camera, she only took pictures of my butt. not sure what's up with that

Thursday, June 12, 2008

dell is back from rehab... i am back from vegas

met up with my parents for a little vacay in vegas... we would have had to pay lots of $ for internet there, so i wrote my blogs then, and i'm posting them now.

tuesday june 3rd

vegas baby!!!

met my parents at the airport, it was so good to see them, it had been 6 months since the last time. my mom had won a free stay at the wynn hotel/resort... the only 5 star, 5 diamond hotel in vegas. woohoo! fanciest hotel i've ever stayed at. we signed up for our "red club" gambling cards, which come with a free spin to win lots of stuff. my dad won $10 in free slot money, and i won 2 tickets to see spamalot on wednesday night! since there were 3 of us, mom & dad had to duke it out to see who was going to be my guest. dad won, but only because my mother would rather gamble than do anything else.

i lost all of my gambling money on tuesday. it sure went fast... i had planned to spend most of the trip by the pool anyway.

the bathtub in the room was sooooooo amazing! it was so deep that it came up past my shoulders. i had a really great relaxing bath.

when i got in bed, it was soooo comfy!! the wynn is AWESOME!

this is the floor of the hotel. BEAUTIFUL!

wednesday june 4th

this morning, we went to the hooters casino (tee hee) because we had heard that they give you $100 free slot money when you sign up for their card. yeah, well, it sucked! the only way you could win anything off of that $ was if you could get 1700 credits. then you would get $50. let me tell you, it would have taken hours to get that many credits.... so we left and went to new york new york.
i rode on the rollercoaster there, which i had been really excited for... and it was a little disappointing. it cost $14 for a ride that consisted of one big drop, one upside-down loop, and one corkscrew. it was fun, but not worth the money. what made it worth the $ though was the fact that my dad had to hold my bag while i was on the ride. if you haven't seen my bag, it's covered in pink, yellow, and blue hearts and lightening bolts. super gay. i also have a pin on there that says 'i <3 pro choice boys' and one that says 'trans as fuck'. it brought me so much pleasure to watch my dad with that bag on his arm. to die for.

after nyny, we went to the stratosphere... A-MAZ-ING! to get to the top, you ride in what the elevator operator said was the fastest elevator in the world. 109 floors in 37 seconds. my ears popped! great views of the entire city from the tallest point there. i got a ticket for a ride on top of the stratosphere called 'the big drop'
that basically shoots you up to the top of the needles and then you freefall. i wanted to do it so bad, but they had to close the ride due to high winds. they kept one ride open called 'X-SCREAM'. that ride brought you over the side of the building and suspended you 850 feet above las vegas. crazy! it was so awesome.

it rained today, so no pool for me. my mom kept feeding me money, so i went ahead and lost it for her so she wouldn't have to.

i inexplicably lost my cell phone. i took it out of my pocket to check the time, and specifically remember putting it back in my pocket and commenting on the time to my mother. i never moved from my one spot, but 20 minutes later, my phone was gone. i'm at a total loss as to how it could have happened. went to lost and found and filled out an inquiry. i've already stopped back in and called, but no luck yet :(

saw monty python's spamalot... super funny. john o'hurley played king arthur, lancelot turned out to be gay, there was lots of singing and dancing, and fun was had by all.

took another bath... can NOT get enough of the giant tub.

hopefully there'll be good weather on thursday so i can finally get some poolside time in.

thursday june 5th

went down to the casino with my mom while my dad was golfing. again, she kept feeding me money. but this time, i actually won something!!! turns out i'm pretty good at video poker. i got a royal flush and won 750 quarters! that's 187.50! woo hoo! it's gone now, but it was fun while it lasted. spent the rest of the day by the pool drinking coronas and swimming. fun times.

called my cell in the afternoon to see if anyone would pick up and someone did. he told me he was at the bellagio and that i should meet him there at 9pm that night. yeah, so i went to the bellagio at 9... my phone was off, couldn't get a hold of anyone. fucking douche bag. i've spent a good 15% of my vacation calling lost and found, visiting lost and found, and calling my phone. it's been extremely frustrating and has made my vacay less than fun :(

took another bath. it was good. we're waking up at 5:30 tomorrow to catch our flight to oakland. i can't wait to have free internet access again so i can let the world know i lost my phone.

since i wrote this weeks ago, i have since gotten a new phone and all is well and harmonious again ;)

Thursday, May 15, 2008


so i had an intervention. i finally confronted my computer about it's drinking problem. that last vodka cran went way over the line. thankfully, dell has agreed to enter rehab! i dropped dell off on tuesday at the rehab center. dell will be living there full time for 7-10 days, however long it takes to get clean and sober and get all that vodka out of it's system. expect to see me blogging like crazy in 7-10 days. i'll be $400 poorer, but dell's sobriety is worth it to me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

st. patty's day

so this is a really quick update that i shouldn't even be doing from work... but oh well.

so last night i went to this irish bar called cassidy's after work. well who did i run into at cassidy's? cindy sheehan, of course!! my coworker tricked me into going to talk to her by myself (which is huge for me, being the shyest person ever), i got several big hugs from cindy, we had our pic taken together, and it was yay! so fun.

girl can drink, too. she was more drunk than me!! of course, i kept drinking at the gay bar afterwards... if only to see the hottie bartender ;)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

my apologies

good afternoon, fans. i want to send my sincere apologies to all of the dedicated, hard working people that use this blog to stalk me. i have received your messages, and am using this post to let everyone know that while i am still dedicated to the blog, my laptop is currently incapacitated. once i can scrounge up the dough to fix it, the blog will be back up and running. i have some great pics to post, and i have lots of stories saved up for you all.

just so you know, i miss you too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

lollipop girls

went to mika last night with jenn ... aMAZing! loved it! we smoked beforehand and then went out for some lychee martini's (delish!). we each got a drink at the show, but then we found out we couldn't have drinks on the balcony :(

so we just drank them fast.

jenn went to go meet fun new people while i just chilled and checked out the scene. i have to say i was very surprised by the crowd. many many many underage girls were there in groups or with their moms. there were also a lot of older people there. and by older i mean 35-50. and a lot of them were straight. so it was a very different crowd than when i saw mika in boston, but sold out nonetheless.

the show itself was awesome. mika was dressed in all whites and some silver, very sleek. he totally rocked out the whole time, even on the slow songs. there were some great blow up doll thingys on stage for big girl you are beautiful and lollipop, but i couldn't really see them that well based on where we were sitting . oh! and for big girls, there were these 2 great full-figured burlesque dancers that came out and danced. so hot! and of course there were lollipop girls dancing on stage during lollipop, but they weren't in the crowd like they were in boston (unless they were on the lower level, which i couldn't see very well).

they kept bringing out the piano and then taking it away, and then bringing it back. it was really fun. we smoked during the show with the guys sitting in front of us. that was fun.

the encore was amazing... confetti and streamers everywhere, totally candy. (i just used candy as an adjective... i should coin that! ex. "girl, you lookin' candy today!")

after the show jenn convinced me to go out (as she had been trying to do all evening), and we went to the badlands. so. much. fun. it's an awesome video bar with the greatest music. the music was so great, here's a small recap:

all in a row. which meant we didn't leave the dance floor for a looong time. but that was just right before we left. they played great music earlier too, and jenn and i stole away to smoke some more outside the club. it was great fun. we got some mexican food and watched some bad tv, and i slept over jenns. that means that right now, i'm wearing the exact same outfit that i saw mika in and went dancing in. but at least i showered!!! and we both made it to work on time today. go us.

update: as promised, some pics of us before the show, smoking at the show, and some blurry ones of the show

i know most of them didn't come out well, but oh well!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


i decided to shave!! not everything though, just a little. i want to be like wolverine, except without the violence.

thoughts? comments, questions, concerns?