Friday, February 8, 2008

swedish pop!!

i just got back from seeing robyn at popscene!!! aMAZing!

price of admission: $10
1 jack on the rocks: $8+tip
seeing robyn (gorgeous) and hearing her sing (gorgeous voice): priceless

there's some things money can't buy... for everything else, there's the cash i scrounged up last minute.

i got to popscene around 9:45, stood in line for about 20 minutes, and i was in! tickets were at the door only, so i had no idea if i'd get in or not. i met a girl in line who, like me, was there alone. she was a bit odd, a trait i like in people, and after we chatted for a few minutes she leaned in really close to me and whisper-yelled "sweeeeeedes!!" it was interesting. robyn didn't go on until 11:27, and she sang for approximately 40 minutes, encore included. it was so worth it though.

a few things about the other club/concert goers: either i was too sober or everyone else was really drunk. true, i had only one drink and was definitely closer to sober than anything else, but these people were really obnoxious and pushy. i thought boston was the city of (m)assholes, but these people took the cake.
i must have forgotten about the giant sign i was holding that read : please: if you tower over me, stand directly in front of me! if you're a drunk straight girl, fall into me! if you're holding a drink, by all means, spill it on me! and please, please, please, remember to elbow me in the face multiple times! if you're feeling a bit randy, hump me!! thanks!!

seriously, if i had a dollar for every time i was unwillingly humped by older, unattractive men, i could have been drunk by the end of the show. my personal favorite (aka. douchebag) was the frat guy who elbowed me out of his way so he could stand directly in front of me, then turned around and gave me double thumbs up. if i had a death list, he would be #1. thank goodness i'm a peaceful, calm person. and tiny.

but anyway, ROBYN!!!!

she sang konichiwa bitches, with every heartbeat (my favorite), jack you off (teehee), and she even sang show me love!!! you remember that one from the 90's, don'tcha kids!? she did it very different, with only the drum synthesizers. it was lovely and everyone sang along. she also sang other songs that i don't know the names of, but they were all great.

i have battle wounds too!! at one point during the show, someone pushed me pretty hard from behind and i felt what i thought was someones beer bottle rub against my elbow. it hurt a tiny bit and i figured that i probably had a little scratch. when i looked at it later on the muni ride home, it's anything but little.

i'd say its about 6 inches long, and it curves around my arm. the picture is a little blurry, but it's on my inner arm! i have no idea what caused it. hope i don't get tetanus!

it's super late and i have to work in 6 hours!! woohooooo!!! fun times! i hope i dream about robyn tonight!!


Mark D. Snyder said...

OMG 50000000000 yay for jaketastic blog!

Andrea said...

So jealous! Except for the possibility-of-tetanus part ;)