Tuesday, January 22, 2008

attacked by boba

so sunday night i was in berkeley, walking to the bart station. i crossed the street halfway and stood on the median, and a big silver pickup truck stopped to let me cross the rest of the way. i wish i had let the truck go because after i crossed in front of it, the person in the passenger seat started pelting me. at first i thought that i was being hit by tiny rocks in my back and side, but when one of the tiny rocks stuck to me i realized that i was being assaulted with boba.

boba is the new spitball, apparently. watch your backs, you never know if you'll be the next victim of a boba attack. and honestly, picking sticky boba that's been in someone else's mouth off of your jacket while the truck-drivin' offenders speed away laughing at you is not fun. stop the madness!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Next on Fox...