Monday, January 7, 2008

yoko makes me cry

i'm kind of an emotional person, in a way that i find to be very strange. i find that my emotions like to creep up on me and take me by surprise... and they're never around when i want them to be. for example, i didn't cry at my nana's funeral. i fully expected to, i had tissues ready in my pocket... just didn't happen. it doesn't mean that i didn't love my nana or that i'm not experiencing a huge void in my life since she's been gone. all it means is that i didn't cry.

as for my emotions sneaking up on me here's today's example ... just sitting on the muni looking through this week's guardian, i turned to page 3 and my heart jumped in my throat, my eyes filled with tears, and i had to shut the newspaper to stop from doing that sobbing noise that happens when you get all ferklempt but you're still trying to breathe. all because of this...

i guess peace really gets my emotions all worked up. or the thought of peace actually happening just evokes such strong feelings in me that i have to start crying on the muni.

when i finally pulled myself back together, i reopened the guardian to page 3 and saw this at the bottom...

it just figures, though. of all the people i admire that i've never met and will probably never meet, yoko has always elicited the most emotional response from me. well, specifically, the dynamic relationship that was john and yoko has always gotten me a bit choked up. i've stopped trying to understand it, and nowadays i just roll with the yoko tears. it makes me happy to know that if i ever need to release something and i can't do it on my own, all i have to do is watch some yoko videos online and i can cry like a baby. i kind of love it, now that i've accepted it. i urge everyone to imagine peace in 2008... and get in touch with those emotions, it helps.