Thursday, January 3, 2008

it's about gee dee time!

with technology and the internet being as it is, i should have had a blog approximately 7 years ago. but technology and the internet have never really been my "thing". i bought my first digital camera three weeks ago, and having finally crossed that technological path i figured, "why not start a blog?"

i am finally happy to present to you, 7 years behind schedule, my blog.

i'm feeling a bit self-indulgent in creating this... the nerve of me, thinking people will want to read about the fantastic wonderfulness that is life in san fransisco!

i suppose life is jaketastic is an attempt to capture my life as it is right now and keep it suspended in cyber space for me to look back at. i guess it's a way for me to back up my memory... so i can see where i was at at whatever time in my journey.

in upcoming posts on life is jaketastic, look for:
  • life updates!
  • pictures!
  • things i find interesting!
  • queer fabulousness!
  • and more!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is all pretty foxy, Jakeycakes.

I'm tempted to get my own and steal some of your limelight. Sweet.